Our team

Steve Caldwell
Program Director
Steve came to know the Lord at Hillview Bible Chapel in high school. He worked at Lockheed Martin as a budget analyst for thirteen years. Hillview recognized him as an elder in 1998, and then asked Steve to serve full-time in 2000. Steve and Vicky led the "SaltWorks" college and career ministry, and are also involved in marriage counseling, discipleship, and hospitality. He is active in preaching and discipleship and is skilled in addressing contemporary social issues from a Biblical perspective. Steve has recently been commended to serve full-time with the Discipleship Intern Training Program (DITP) in Lubbock, Texas.
Brady Collier
Program Director
Brady Collier graduated from the Discipleship Intern Training Program in 2010. In 2012, he and his family were commended to a teaching, preaching, and encouraging ministry among the Christians in Honduras. Eventually, the Lord called them back to minister in the United States. As an elder at FreeWay Bible Chapel, Brady is actively involved in teaching, preaching, visitation, and pastoral care. FreeWay hosts the Discipleship Intern Training Program, where Brady is a director and is involved in teaching and discipling. Brady is also a director and teacher at the Galilee Program.

Jim McCarthy
Program Director
Jim came to Christ out of devout Catholicism through a home Bible study. In his many years of full-time ministry, Jim has served the Lord in Ireland, been on the faculty of the DITP, helped started an assembly in San Jose, CA, and was an elder there for 15 years.
Jim is now commended to a full-time writing and teaching ministry, is a director of the DITP, and co directs the Galilee Program. Jim is the author of more than a dozen books including Steps to Bible Knowledge, Disciplines of the Christian Life, and The Gospel According to Rome.
Steve Price
Program Director
Steve and his wife, Janet, have nine children and five grandchildren. Steve and Janet reside in Kansas City, Kansas, where he has practiced emergency medicine since 1991. Steve serves as the director of Assembly Care Ministries and a doctor for the ACM Healthline. He is an elder at the Bible Chapel of Shawnee and works part time at one of the local hospitals. Steve also serves as a board member for Emmaus Bible College, the Ezekiel Project, the Discipleship Intern Training Program, and Galilee. Steve regularly participates in medical mission trips and ministers at conferences in North America and overseas.


Nathan Bramsen
Program Teacher
Nate was born and raised in Senegal, West Africa. The defining fact of his life is that, though a great sinner, he met the Savior, Jesus Christ. In 2006, he had the privilege to begin pioneer work among abused, neglected, and abandoned children, and in December of 2006, he founded ROCK International. His heart is to see this generation become disciples and unconditional followers of Jesus Christ. In 2018, he married Priyanka and together they have three daughters. He is the author of "What If Jesus Meant What He Said" along with "Prosper: Enjoying Intimacy With God."
Becky Collier
Program Teacher
Becky is married to Brady, and they have five children. In 2012, Becky and her family were commended to a teaching, preaching, and encouraging ministry among the Christians in Honduras. Eventually, the Lord called them back to minister in the United States. Currently, Becky ministers to the church at FreeWay through hospitality, visitation, and pastoral care. She is involved with the Galilee Program as a mentor and teacher. Becky has a passion to see unity and love grow among believers and to instill a passion for spiritual mothering amongst the next generation of women.

Scott DeGroff
Program Teacher
In 2005, Topeka Gospel Chapel commended Scott as a full-time itinerant preacher in North America. In 2016, sensing a strong burden from the Lord, Scott and his wife, Lynn, refocused to a broader cross-cultural ministry in North America— seeing new works established. In 2018, they relocated to Freedom, California. The new work they are involved in is a ministry to unreached people groups and migrant workers. They work alongside Freedom Teams, a nonprofit organization with a three-fold burden to reach the continent for Christ in this generation through a fresh work that will replicate itself around North America and beyond.
Beau Durham
Program Teacher
Beau Durham lives in Lubbock, Texas and fellowships at FreeWay Bible Chapel where he serves the Lord in various capacities such as teaching, preaching, and evangelism outreach. He and his wife Marley have a daughter, Charlie, and a son, Thatcher. Beau teaches inductive Bible study methods and implementation at the Galilee Training Program and the Discipleship Intern Training Program (DITP). His goal is to obey the Lord in making disciples with inductive Bible study being the means to the end of a healthy relationship with Christ and obedience to his rightly divided word.

Matthew Hunt
Program Teacher
Matthew and his wife Marina fellowship at Nokesville Gospel Chapel in Centreville, Virginia. Matthew was saved by the Lord in 2014 shortly after graduating from university. He completed the Galilee Program in 2018 and the Discipleship Intern Training Program in 2022. The Lord has given him the opportunity to return to each of these programs to teach and mentor. Matthew works as a language and history teacher at the middle and high school level. In this role, he seeks to testify of the Lord through the linguistic and historical context of the Word of God.
Julie Kurian
Program Teacher
Julie is commended from Believers Bible Chapel in Dallas, Texas, to a full time discipleship ministry, She mentors young women and is the Dean of Women at the Discipleship Intern Training Program in Lubbock, Texas. She is actively involved with the college and career Bible study and the women's discipleship ministry at FreeWay Bible Chapel as well. She is involved with the Galilee Program as a teacher and mentor. Julie's desire is to walk alongside young women and help them develop in their walk with the Lord, in order that they might know Him and live their lives fully for Him.

David Reeve
Program Teacher
David worked as an Agricultural Biologist for nine years. He and his wife, Betsy, started a Spanish-speaking ministry at Fairhaven Bible Chapel. In 2000, Fairhaven commended them to Esteli, Nicaragua, to help with a church plant. David also served as an instructor for Modulos Biblicos. David and Betsy hosted three mission schools with the vision of seeing Central Americans sent out to help reach the unreached. In 2009 they led by example and went to Central Asia to teach English and disciple young people. David and Betsy now serve with Freedom Teams among Hispanic migrants in Freedom, California.
Administrative Team:

Jessica Abraham
Jessica came to know the Lord at a young age. The Lord used discipleship and life transference to show her how to walk closely with Him and to live a life led by and surrendered to the Spirit. This transformation in her relationship with the Lord gave her a passion for discipling young people and for training others to disciple also. Jessica fellowships at Freeway Bible Chapel in Lubbock, Texas and is involved in encouraging young women, the college and career ministry, and the women's discipleship ministry. She is also actively involved in the Galilee Program and the Discipleship Intern Training Program as an administrator.
Charles Stange
Charles fellowships at FreeWay Bible Chapel in Lubbock, Texas. He is actively involved in teaching, preaching, mentoring, and the college and career ministry. Charles is a teacher at the Discipleship Intern Training Program, and the producer for Ignited Hearts, a media ministry of the DITP. He is also an administrator and teacher at the Galilee Program. Charles desires to prepare the bride ready for the coming of Christ. He is most passionate to do this through the equipping, exhorting, and building up of the church, as well as the discipleship of believers.