Where Jesus First Called Disciples 

What is Galilee?

Welcome to the Galilee Program! We are a dynamic and transformative discipleship program for young Christians who are passionate about growing in their faith and serving God with their lives. The Galilee Program is a seminar-style, discipleship-based course of biblical studies and practical instruction. It is designed for Christians, aged 20 to 35, who are committed to Christ, his service, and their local church. Its purpose is to help raise up of the next generation of disciples and leaders. The emphasis is on inductive Bible study and how to minister to others through discipleship and evangelism. Galilee is an immersive experience. Together with teachers, disciplers, and staff, the interns will study, train, pray, and worship together. They then go out to proclaim Christ.

  • In-depth inductive Bible study methods and teachings
  • Mentoring and discipleship training by experienced Christian leaders 
  • Practical instruction and training in various areas of ministry
  • Community and fellowship with other young Christians on a similar journey

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Biblical Studies: 

Program instructors will conduct in-depth seminars on inductive Bible study methods.

 Interns will learn how to apply the teachings of the Bible to their lives using inductive Bible study methods through engaging classes and discussions. 

Ministry Skills Training: 

Teachers will provide practical instruction on how to make disciples and build up the church.

The program equips individuals with the tools and knowledge necessary to embody the principles of Christianity and effectively spread the message of Jesus through evangelism, discipleship, and more.


Each intern will be paired with a discipler who will help them grow in their faith and character

The discipleship program will pair Interns with a discipler who will offer encouragement, guidance, support, and accountability to aid in their personal and spiritual development.

Program Overview


The Galilee Program is for committed Christians, male and female, between the ages of 20 and 35. Qualified candidates should be fellowshipping in churches living out the principles of the New Testament, active in ministry for the Lord, ambitious in the things of God, zealous for Bible study, and living a disciplined life. 


The Galilee Program is a seminar-style, discipleship-based, course of biblical studies and training for ministry. It is modeled after the Discipleship Intern Training Program, a leadership development course founded by William MacDonald and O. Jean Gibson in 1972. Interns accepted into the program are provided with a wide range of teaching, discipleship, and training. The topics covered include inductive Bible study methods, principles of discipleship and evangelism, key Biblical doctrines, prayer, and development of ministry skill sets.


This year's Galilee Program will be from 6:00 pm Sunday, June 22nd – 12:00 pm Friday, July 11th, 2025


The training is held at Southside Bible Chapel, Lafayette, Louisiana.


The Galilee Program has been designed with two biblical texts in mind. The Lord Jesus sent forth His followers, saying, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age" (Matthew 28:19-20). 

The Apostle Paul echoed this command, instructing his young disciple Timothy, "The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, these entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also" (2 Timothy 2:2). 

The goal of the Galilee Program is to support the work of local churches in raising up a new generation of disciples and leaders committed to the proclamation of the gospel and to the establishment and revival of churches founded on the principles and practices of the New Testament.

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Graduate Testimonials:

"My favorite part of Galilee is the community. After receiving spiritual training together, we form a network of disciple-makers committed to equipping each other with resources, experience, and prayer toward a common goal."

-Joel S.

"Seven months after I was saved, I prayed to find a sort of "boot-camp regime" to teach me how to study the Bible. The Galilee Program not only taught me that, but also how to be a woman after God's own heart."

-Denise M.

"When the Lord lead me to apply to the Galilee program, I assumed I was going to learn a lot of new things about the study of His word and the Christian life, which I did, but I also learned so much about His people. The unique aspect of the program that had a profound impact on my life was being able to live among people who lived out the principles of discipleship that I had grown up learning at my assembly. I knew in my head that He must be your life, but it was then that I saw practically how that looked in the life of a believer. Praise the Lord for living examples of true disciples!"

-Alison T.


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